Trainers Courses
Are you passionate about the Feuerstein Method?
Consider becoming a Feuerstein Trainer!
Are you passionate about the Feuerstein Method?
Consider becoming a Feuerstein Trainer!
You have completed your Feuerstein studies in FIE Standard and/or Basic, and have seen the amazing results the program has generated.
You believe quality education should be available to children, teens, and young adults that meet their diverse learning needs.
You wish to help perpetuate the Feuerstein Method for generations of future learners.
You want to deepen your knowledge of the Feuerstein Method.
You are looking for an excellent way to supplement your income – teach what you love, and love what you teach.
FIE’s numerous benefits also help to significantly lower drop-out rates for at-risk students.
Feuerstein Trainers courses are open to those individuals who have completed their Feuerstein course of study in either FIE Standard or Basic, have submitted all related documentation, and have been approved to participate in trainer training.
Please note: Certified Feuerstein Trainers must either sign an agreement with the Feuerstein Institute establishing themselves as an Authorized Training Associate (ATA), Authorized Training Center (ATC), or be employed by an existing ATC. Trainers are forbidden from teaching the Feuerstein Method without an existing contract in place.