
The Benefits of Feuerstein

The Feuerstein Method is an educational approach that focuses on the learning process, leading to better academic performance and lower dropout rates. It involves instructor-led mediation and benefits all students, including gifted or remedial learners. Additionally, the method enhances teacher satisfaction and provides long-term cognitive benefits.

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How it works

Feuerstein empowers students to improve how they learn, think, and problem-solve.

The Feuerstein Method emphasizes the importance of developing the crucial skill of learning how to learn. To achieve this, we train administrators, educators, and professionals in Feuerstein’s educational theories and provide them with our exclusive tools that enhance different cognitive processes, such as comparison and categorization. We also guide them in integrating these tools into their classroom practices and linking ideas to various academic subjects.

The Feuerstein Method is a popular teaching approach in various educational institutions worldwide. It has been incorporated into the Victoria school system in Australia and high schools in Texas, USA, and is compatible with the Italian school system. This method has demonstrated its effectiveness for gifted and remedial learners, showing remarkable improvements in inner-city schools and preparatory academies.

The Feuerstein program
enhances and promotes:

Concept formation

Active learning attitude

Intrinsic motivation

Cognitive efficiency

Insightful reasoning

The Feuerstein program
reduces and prevents:


Learning gaps

Educational gaps

Behavioral and emotional issues


Brian Townsend

Teacher, Austin Can Academies

Photo by Yakir Zur
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