Brain on Games
Facilitating the Learning Potential in Games, Puzzles, and Toys
July 21, 2025 – Shoresh Chicago 2025
Workshop Description:
Focus on the interaction of parents, teachers, and others in the use of games, puzzles, and toys to stimulate children’s cognitive development and to strengthen or overcome delayed or deficient cognitive functioning in children who present special needs. Introducing how readily available “off the shelf” games, puzzles, and toys can be used in a systematic and focused way to achieve learning enhancement, and how MLE enhances the learning experience, reinforcing learning goals and developing strategies to enhance the child’s learning experience. The workshop will include live demonstrations and opportunities to work in small groups to analyze a game, puzzle, or toy of their own.
Cost and Registration:
- Price: $225 USD
- Cancellation & Refund Policy:
- The Feuerstein Institute reserves the right to cancel any course with fewer than 10 participants registered by June 20, 2025.
- Cancellations by participants before the registration deadline will incur a $50 USD processing fee.
- No refunds will be issued for cancellations after the registration deadline.