Published in: Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 8(1) pp.38-51, 2009.
Abstract: In recent years, research has provided extensive data concerning the use, utility, and appropriateness of dynamic assessment techniques as a way of determining cognitive plasticity in old adults. Current research in this area is focused on three principle lines of investigation: (a) determining neurological correlates of cognitive plasticity evaluated through dynamic assessment techniques; (b) establishing the diagnostic utility of such procedures; and (c) analyzing age-related limits with regard to quantity and domains of plasticity. In this context, the present study was undertaken using a sample of 274 older adults, who were evaluated through two dynamic assessment techniques and one cognitive functioning screening test over a period of 3 consecutive years. Results show differences in plasticity related to both age and cognitive status. The study also demonstrates the capacity of plasticity to predict maintenance and decline in a follow-up period of 3 years.